TOC: "Empower With Joy" — ?
...scanning for sectionsThese profiles were creaed by asking ChatGPT:
Describe 200 types of people with differing ideological, cultural, educational, social and financial background etc, asking for:
- challenges and areas of unhappiness
- ways to improve those
- who is exploiting them, and how to break that chain
- related HR ministries and policy makers
- charities working in those areas with names of a few
- how to help the charities
- how to educate the public about this (10 points for each)
- budget for mini projects
Student Engagement
Once YOU get basic training from us, you will be able to form a group of at least 4 and reach out to one of these profiles. At that stage, we would have you:
Integrate all this and make a concerted proposal to
- governments
- policy makers
- charities
- grant foundations
- media channels
- the public