SITE: "Empowering Youth"

Here are some goals of the program. You may not be able to achieve all within the timeframe given to us, but put in sincere effort now, and in all your days to come and you WILL meet with a good level of success.

  1. Develop your own "Statement of Purpose"
  2. Think of "Life Visioning" or Blueprint creation.
  3. Work on core skills like written and oral communication, eventually feeling confident to have your own learner website, youtube channel and LinkedIn following.
  4. Consider career options you would like to have, keeping something as fallback or Plan B.
  5. Devise a skill matrix based on your career options and chart out the learning resources and tasks needed to build competence in those areas.
  6. Start understanding the landscape of your chosen area.
  7. Plan out learning ways and tasks to develop the skills you need, think of how and how soon you can work on a live project, either as an unpaid intern, or as a paid budding professional.
  8. Start learning the intricacies of article writing, using compelling design and graphics for your blog, video creation - either with mobile or stills/voice-over so you can express yourself in an ever more online world. Ultimately, you may want to become an Influencer with a large digital footprint. Here my can help - development on mobile too is possible and your website will be on until you graduate after which you will still own the content and can move to your own domain.
  9. Think of giving back to society. We call this ARYA - Awareness Resulting in Your Action. A cry from you to peers and adults to do good for the cause you care about.
  10. Alongside all this, you may want to learn more specialized skills like programming, explore alternatives to Amadeus for web freelancing, a video making course, social entrepreneurship etc.